"The most complete and useful Master's degree to specialize in family law ."
Learn from the best professionals in the sector the most up-to-date intervention practices and acquire all the qualifications useful in your profession.
Our Master aims to guide the professional towards a different approach to family law that is more protective of minors and more respectful of the parents' abilities.
Il Master ti permette di specializzarti in diritto di famiglia.
Le relazioni familiari sono sempre più complesse e sempre maggiore è il bisogno di avvocati specializzati che operino con competenza nel settore conoscendo procedure e tecniche specifiche.
Acquisirai competenze innovative e i titoli professionalizzanti più richiesti oggi nei servizi specialistici, e nel lavoro privato.
Professionista Specializzato nel Metodo Integrato,
Esperto di Tutela del Minore sul Web
e molto altro ancora...
Potrai iscriverti all'Istituto Nazionale di Coordinazione Genitoriale (INCOGE) e collaborare professionalmente con la Piattaforma Zefiro e con la Piattaforma Navigare Consapevoli.
Avvocati, Giuristi.
Prof. Carlo Trionfi
*Per coloro che hanno già frequentato il corso di Coordinazione Genitoriale sarà possibile frequentare il master senza partecipare al modulo, con la possibilità di una riduzione del costo.
A unique experience in the training of family professionals:
anni di esperienza nella formazione nel settore.
professionals trained with satisfaction.
teachers chosen from among the best professionals in the sector.
Training credits for lawyers have been requested.
You will receive a diploma at the end of the Master and a diploma at the end of each module of the program, including, for example, a diploma of Parental Coordinator, Special Curator of the Minor, Expert Professional in the Protection of the Minor on the Web and several other qualifications that you can use on your resume.
The Master offers several supervision meetings in small groups. Each student will have the opportunity to bring his or her work experience to the supervision or to listen to that of others by comparing himself or herself with colleagues and the teacher.
The Master is a unique curricular element to specialize in Family Law, expand your professional skills and be able to propose yourself to your clients using cutting-edge techniques and practices. 90% of our students have significantly implemented their professional performance during or immediately after completing the Master.
With this Master, in addition to specializing in Family Law, you will become a Special Curator of the Minor, a Parental Coordinator, an Expert for the Protection of the Minor on the Web, an Expert in the Integrated Method of Intervention in Family Crisis. You will be able to register with INCOGE (National Institute of Parental Coordination), collaborate with the Zefiro platform and much more...
To encourage active participation of students during lessons
there will always be present, in addition to the teachers, at least one classroom tutor, member of the scientific committee and specialized in the field. The classroom tutor will have the opportunity to follow the progress of learning during the two years of the course.
flexible frequency
You can attend online, in person or on-demand. This means that if you can't be present or connected, you can watch the lessons you missed whenever you want: all the lessons will be uploaded to an E-Learning platform and the entire course, including all the materials, will be available to you at any time.
The Master is organized according to the following enabling modules:
Introductory lesson: new practices in family law and child protection
Dr. Carlo Trionfi
February 23rd from 9.30am to 1.00pm
Supporting the family by collaborating: the integrated method in family crisis.
The module enables the use of the Integrated Method and allows registration in the List of Integrated Method Professionals of the InCoGe Institute and collaboration with the Zefiro platform.
Three training days are planned on the following dates: March 22, 2024, April 5, 2024 and April 19, 2024.
Jurisprudential and procedural concepts of family law: Fundamental rights of children and the Reform of Family Law
The module aims to discuss the rights of children and adolescents starting from the application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent in legal practice.
In particular, the Monitoring Report on the UN Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Italy will be presented, in whose drafting the Centro Studi Famiglia collaborates.
Furthermore, the founding principles of family law will be introduced and discussed in light of the recent reform (Cartabia reform) and the resulting legal practices.
Two training days are planned on the following dates: May 10, 2024 and May 24, 2024.
Become a Parent Coordinator. Training in the method of parental coordination.
The form allows you to become a Parental Coordinator and to be included in the list of Parental Coordinators of the National Institute of Parental Coordination (InCoGe) .
Parental Coordination is a method of intervention for parents in conflict that has become very widespread in recent years and is now adopted by an ever-increasing number of Courts throughout Italy and the world, being now also recognized by jurisprudence.
The Centro Studi Famiglia participated in the recognition of the Method in Italy and trained hundreds of Parental Coordinators, most of the Parental Coordinators present on the national territory.
Four training days are planned on the following dates: September 20, 2024, September 21, 2024, October 4, 2024 and October 11, 2024.
The figure of the Special Curator of the Minor has gained increasing recognition, particularly within the reform of family law which recognises his/her appointment in all situations in which, even if only abstractly, there is the hypothesis of a conflict of interest with the parents.
The lawyer has the role of listening to the minor, supporting him in respecting his rights, as also provided for by international regulations on the matter.
We have developed this module aimed at acquiring all the skills necessary to be appointed as Special Curators. We have among our teachers lawyers who are already very competent in this task and psychologists experienced in legal and developmental psychology to explain how to best get in touch with the minor, how to listen to him and represent him in the most attentive and professional way.
Four training days are planned on the following dates: November 15, 2024, November 29, 2024, January 17, 2025 and February 7, 2025.
Adverse childhood experiences. Maltreatment and abuse in the family.
The module deals with sensitive issues such as domestic violence, maltreatment and abuse during childhood with reference to both psycho-socio-educational intervention methodologies and to jurisprudence and legal practice. Particular attention will be given to the relationship with the judiciary in cases of maltreatment and abuse and to the recognition of risk factors and the methods of taking charge of maltreating families in institutional and private contexts.
At the end of the module a certificate of participation will be issued.
Two training days are planned on the following dates: March 14, 2025 and March 28, 2025
How to accompany parents and minors in new family structures. Adoption, foster care and other family structures.
The module provides useful tools for supporting minors and parents within families, all types of families, from homoparental families to foster families, and for supporting minors who live in different contexts such as, for example, communities or family homes.
The development context of children and adolescents does not always adhere to the canons of the classic family. If it is true that the family must by law be the privileged place for children to grow up, the very concept of family can be expressed differently depending on life situations. What are the criteria for evaluating the family environment today? What is the role of operators? We will answer this and other questions on the subject.
Three training days are planned on the following dates: 11 April 2025, 9 May 2025, 23 May 2025.
Child protection on the web
The module addresses the current issue of child protection on the web both as an evolutionary risk and from a legal point of view.
The Navigare Consapevoli platform will be made available to all students and its use in the relationship with families will be explained.
The latest research has highlighted that the inappropriate use of the Internet poses a very significant risk to the health of children and adolescents.
We would like to provide operational tools to support parents and help their children to use the Internet in a conscious way.
We are convinced that it is necessary to train specialists with specific skills on the subject.
It is expected that a list of operators specialized in the protection of minors on the web will be published. You will therefore be among the first specialists recognized by the Italians with a specialization in the protection of minors on the web
Two training days are planned on the following dates: June 6 , 2025 and June 13, 2025.
Final agreement with delivery of diplomas.
Family relationships and child protection today.
Perspectives and practices of intervention.
Program and date to be defined.
The master will begin on Friday 22 March 2024 and will end after 15 months.
The frequency of lessons may be:
online: via live webcast
on-demand: through a dedicated web-learning platform that allows you to view the lessons. By choosing this option, you will be the one to decide when to start the master and when to take the lessons!
in mixed mode: alternating live and deferred viewing of the lessons according to your availability and times
Classes will normally be held on Fridays, according to the schedule from 9.30 to 17.30 with a one-hour break for lunch.
In order to promote an integrated professionalism between professionals in the fields of care and family law, some lessons will be held together with the parallel Master on Family Relations and Child Protection, for lawyers and jurists.
Discover the presentation of the scientific director!
They say about our Masters
Here an integrated intervention method is formed, based on multi-disciplinarity