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Positive psychology
and team building

CSF designs and creates team building projects for companies. The proposed courses consist of activities that promote the formation and strengthening of personal and professional bonds , facilitate collaboration in the team, and encourage the creation of a positive and flourishing human and working climate . The projects are developed and built ad hoc based on the specific objective that the company intends to have its work teams achieve.

Team Building

Team building activities offer opportunities to accelerate the growth process of the group and to encourage the development of its potential. It is a training in all respects, even if not frontal, that can be proposed to newly formed groups but also to groups that have been working together for a long time. The goals of team building are to bring workers to a greater level of awareness with respect to the relational dynamics present in the team, to encourage and develop empathy between the members, to create a group identity, to increase collective performance through an improvement in communication between colleagues, to break down the walls caused by differences in hierarchy or divisions between departments.

Group Psychology

Group psychology deals with interpersonal and relational dynamics within groups of different sizes and in particular analyses the ways in which members interact with each other and influence each other, and the climate that is created within the group and within which individuals operate.

Just as the attitudes, behaviors, and personalities of each member of the group influence the relational dynamics of the group, the dynamics and climate of the group can also have positive or negative repercussions on the well-being, motivation, and productivity of the individual.

It therefore appears essential that work teams are effective and promote the well-being of individual members. To achieve this goal, some factors to consider are:

  • The quality of leadership

  • The level of cohesion

  • Individual and group resources in recognizing and managing emotions

  • The ability to manage conflicts and actively promote a peaceful environment

Building a good work team

Perché il team lavorativo possa operare al meglio è fondamentale che:

  1. Gli obiettivi finali e i sotto-obiettivi siano ben definiti

  2. Ruoli e compiti di ciascuno siano chiari e ben suddivisi

  3. Ci sia disponibilità al dialogo e impegno ad accogliere critiche costruttive

  4. I punti di forza e le potenzialità di ognuno siano identificati e valorizzati

  5. L’identità di squadra e la coesione vengano promosse dal leader e dai singoli membri, in modo che nessuno si senta escluso, pur nella sua diversità

  6. Si collabori per creare una visione condivisa

  7. Ciascuno senta di essere ascoltato e sostenuto nelle sue difficoltà

  8. La fiducia reciproca venga incoraggiata

  9. SI impari a gestire e superare i conflitti 

  10. I risultati vengano comunicati dando il giusto merito ai componenti del team

  11. I membri del team siano incoraggiati e si incoraggino a vicenda per innescare un processo di continuo miglioramento, sfruttando feedback, suggerimenti e revisioni

  12. La condivisione delle informazioni sia ben organizzata ed efficace

  13. Privacy e intimità di ciascuno vengano rispettate

Contact us

Via Arena 5, 20123, Milan | Tel: +39 391 333 1283

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