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Clinical services


Adults Area

The Centro Studi Famiglia offers the support of a specialized team of professionals who will help you choose the right path for you. To help you face difficulties, weaknesses and fears and try to live better.


Family and couple area

Managing and governing the crisis is possible: we propose a rapid take-over and an immediate analysis of the problem. We help parents educate their children without exposing them to conflict and without giving up on deciding for their own good.


Minors area

 I nostri servizi psicologici per bambini sono progettati per supportare lo sviluppo emotivo, cognitivo e comportamentale dei bambini. È possibile effettuare presso il nostro Centro molteplici interventi, a partire dalla  valutazione delle capacità cognitive fino ad arrivare alla psicoterapia con i bambini.


Teen area

We have been working with adolescents for years, we are ready to be at your side when there are developmental difficulties in pre-adolescent and adolescent age and pathologies characteristic of developmental age.



5 appointments with Dr. Chiara Lupo dedicated to professionals. We will discuss and work on the care and management of minors and families. You psychologists, social workers, coordinators will bring your most complex cases so that you can discuss them with a team of experts.

Contact us

Via Arena 5, 20123, Milan | Tel: +39 391 333 1283

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